Manifest V3 starts a new era for browser extensions

Manifest V3 starts a new era for browser extensions

Google is rolling out Manifest V3, the latest version of its Chromium-based browser extension platform. This change, which begins in June 2024 in pre-stable versions of Chrome, brings important new features for both users and developers.

▼ Table of Contents
  1. What is Manifest?
  2. What does this mean for users?
  3. What does this mean for developers?
  4. Conclusion

What is Manifest?

Manifest V3 is the latest version of Google’s browser extension platform. It is a JSON file that contains information about the extension, such as its name, description, the permissions it requires, and the scripts it runs. Developers use Manifest to define the features and behavior of their extension.

In June 2024, Manifest V2 will be disabled in pre-stable browser versions, specifically Chrome 127 and later. Users will no longer be able to install Manifest V2-based extensions in the online store.

Developers will still have until June 2025 to modify their extensions for Manifest V3. After that date, Manifest V2-based extensions will be inoperable. The new version of Manifest V3 will affect all Chrome-based web browsers.

What does this mean for users?

Chrome introduces a new version of Manifesto V3 as a new step towards greater privacy, security and performance, for example it is possible to have more control over the extensions themselves and determine what rights the given extension has.

The advantage, but also the disadvantage, is the deactivation of old and non-functional extensions that work on the Manifest V2 version. A lot of extensions that contain malware and try to track users will be disabled. On the other hand, if you have an extension installed that you know is no longer supported, you will have to look for an alternative due to Manifest V3.

However, the browser will inform you in advance about the removal or deactivation, and will also offer you an alternative in the menu for the given extension.

If an extension is removed from the online store in Manifest V3 in the future, you will receive a notification about its removal and a recommendation to uninstall the extension.

It is precisely because of the changes that many ad-blocking extensions will be less effective or non-functional. But do not despair, there are still alternatives, if you want to stay loyal to Chromium, there is the Brave browser, which already has ad blocking built in and there is no need to additionally install an ad blocking extension.

Another option is a browser that is not based on Chromium, for example Firefox, here you can already add a functional ad blocker via the extension.

What does this mean for developers?

Developers will need to update for example the JSON file to be specific to Manifest V3, modify the script and update the API calls, the full list can be found at documentation.

New is the so-called “rollback” option, if your previous version of the extension has been checked and published, you can use it to return the version to your older published form, easily and without checking.


Manifest V3 brings both positive and negative changes to the world of browser extensions. Users can look forward to more control, privacy and security, while developers will need to update their extensions for the new version.

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