Windscribe VPN stellt vor, was es Neues auf der FreshScribe-Plattform gibt

Windscribe VPN stellt vor, was es Neues auf der FreshScribe-Plattform gibt

Windscribe Pro introduces the FreshScribe platform, an upgraded VPN infrastructure that brings several major improvements in authentication, configuration and overall VPN service performance. At the same time, this new platform has already been security audited by PacketLabs.

▼ Inhaltsverzeichnis
  1. Distributed authentication and configuration
  2. Improved maintenance and reliability
  3. Plans with the FreshScribe platform

Distributed authentication and configuration

The previous infrastructure Windscribe Pro required communication between VPN nodes and the central core Windscribe Pro to authenticate connections. This approach could cause latency, performance, and availability issues because all operations depended on a single datacenter, which presented a potential point of failure.

FreshScribe uses a distributed kernel that brings the data needed for connections closer to individual VPN nodes and spreads them out geographically. This reduces the risk of outages, shortens the time it takes to establish a connection, and eliminates many problems.

Improved maintenance and reliability

Windscribe Pro has made hundreds of small but important improvements to the microservices that are key to setting up a VPN connection. Improvements include, for example, better communication between components. These improvements result in faster, more reliable connections with lower latency.

Plans with the FreshScribe platform

Windscribe Pro has several plans for the platform. In the future, the new FreshScribe platform will bring new solutions for censorship bypassing, configuration data storage, and connection optimization.

Windscribe Pro already has static IP addresses in its offering, which improve the user experience when using VPNs by reducing problems with service blocking and trust requests, for example using the CAPTCHA tool.

However, the use of static IP addresses can affect anonymity, as static IP addresses are used by fewer users than IP addresses on regular VPN servers. It is also necessary to keep a record of which user is assigned a particular static IP address. These issues will be addressed in the future by the new zero-access configuration.

In addition, the FastPath feature will facilitate IP address rotation using an intermediate node. This will allow users to change locations to connect through the VPN while still remaining connected through the VPN.

Zero data access configuration

Currently, Windscribe Pro tries to minimize user data collection by modifying open-source tools and libraries to not store information about the user’s source IP address. However, for DNS configurations with R.O.B.E.R.T or port/static IPs, the settings need to be kept in the database so that they can be used on new connections.

The new FreshScribe platform will allow this configuration data to be sent during the connection, ensuring that this data is not stored centrally but remains on your device. This benefits both your privacy and the Windscribe Pro VPN infrastructure.

FastPath Routing

FastPath Routing improves VPN performance and anonymity by introducing a system of ingress, intermediate, and egress nodes that are optimized for low latency. By routing your VPN data to an ingress node near you, this system allows for a faster and more efficient path of data through the network, which not only increases connection speeds, but also provides the flexibility to switch egress locations without having to reconnect.

Anti-censorship mechanisms

With the new FreshScribe system, which is modular and flexible, Windscribe Pro will be able to test, modify, and implement new anti-censorship experiments more quickly and efficiently.

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